Nitro is committed to meeting and conquering the safety challenges offered in today’s industrial maintenance and construction environments. Delivering superior safety performance is the benchmark for excellence throughout our organization. Acknowledging safety as a moral obligation to each of our customers, employees and their families is the foundation for developing an environment of trust, ownership and team commitment to the achievement of exceptional safety performance.
Building the framework for this safety culture means employing, developing and empowering a team that performs to the highest standards and maintains safety as an uncompromising value. Nitro brings that experience and those values to every project, every day. Our management team views safety not as an in-achievable philosophy or an event left to chance but as a practical, measurable and manageable process. At Nitro, bringing added value to every project through our commitment to safety excellence is a promise we make and keep. We are committed to a safety culture that is built on management accountability and achieved through employee participation.
Through diligent efforts, we will manage the process of safety in every project we undertake to achieve an accident and injury free work environment.
Nitro is dedicated to meeting and conquering safety challenges in today’s construction and maintenance environments. Delivering superior safety performance is the benchmark for excellence throughout our organization. Acknowledging safety as a moral obligation to our customers, employees and families is the foundation for developing an environment of trust, ownership and team commitment for unsurpassed safety performance. Our safety culture is built on management accountability and achieved through employee participation.
Year | TRIR Total Recordable Incident Rate | Man Hrs |
2021 |
0.42 | 480,932 | 0.67 |
2020 |
0.00 | 439,166 |
0.66 |
2019 |
0.00 | 517,390 |
0.49 |
3 Year Avg. |
0.14 | 479,163 |
0.61 |
Workforce |
Optimizing Success
Our risk management and safety group looks beyond the normal safety indicators and commits to analyzing the leading indicators of safety performance. Setting increasingly higher standards in managing our work processes, corporate values and organizational culture proves to be the driver of cultural change and continual improvement. Using proven techniques including safety audits, accountability, incentives, statistical analysis, and project preplanning meetings, drive safety performance to a higher level.
Caring for Employees
Protecting our craft personnel is the primary reason we stress excellence in safety. As a moral obligation, we want each of our employees to return home safely each day. Excellent safety performance on the project will help attract the best-of-the-best of your local workforce.